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How to Find a Good Acupuncturist 
More and more people are recognizing acupuncture as an effective treatment for pain management, stress release, and many other benefits, but the effectiveness also varies depending on an acupuncturist´s training and experience. In order to find a good acupuncturist, here are some helpful pieces of advice:
I. Questions you should ask:
1. Where was he/she trained?
2. What were his/her credentials (degrees/certifications)?
3. How long has he/she been in practice?
4. What experience does he/she have in treating your specific ailment?
II. Credentials to Look For:
The United States has set rigorous training standards for acupuncturists. Most states require a 3-5 year Master´s degree in Oriental Medicine from an accredited acupuncture school as well as a written and a practical National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists (NCCAOM) exam, before an acupuncturist can become licensed.
In the states that do not require licensing, choose an acupuncturist certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists (NCCAOM). Its members have a degree in Oriental Medicine from an accredited school-or have worked as an apprentice acupuncturist for at least four years - and have passed both a written and practical exam. Acupuncturists who have passed this exam are entitled to add Dipl. Ac. (Diplomate of Acupuncture) after their name.
Acupuncture requirements for Western doctors or Chiropractors are generally more lenient than for non-MD´s. Choose a physician who is a member of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture; it requires a minimum of 200 hours of training for membership.
For more information, check out the directory of practitioners on NCCAOM website and
III. Discuss Length of Treatment
Generally, try to stay away from any acupuncturist who claims to cure you in one session. Most acupuncture treatment takes at least 3 visits. Decide in advance what your expectations are and discuss them with your acupuncturist. A chronic illness may need several months of acupuncture treatment to have a noticeable effect. If you are not happy with your progress, think about changing acupuncturists or check with your western doctor for advice about other options.
IV. Rely on Referrals and Recommendations:
Don´t just go to the Yellow Pages for any Acupuncturist--You could get someone who went to school for 6 months and has no idea what they are doing.
Ask around. Find out what people have experienced after they went to a session. Ask your doctor, chiropractor or local health/nutritional store to recommend a practitioner.
Many reputable acupuncturists are also Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners.
V. Caution about Treatment Prices:
Be careful about the Acupuncturist is not willing to reveal over the phone how much he or she charges. Also, be wary of the Acupuncturist who charges unreasonably high prices or too low a price—You want to get decent service for a reasonable price, so you should call areas such as Houston and Austin where there are many acupuncturists to see what is the average price range.
If you follow the above advice, you are more likely to find a good acupuncturist who can make your visit a positive experience worthy of your money.
Remember, there are good acupuncturists out there, and if you happen to miss them and get a negative experience, don't give up—by asking around and follow the above advice, you will surely find the right acupuncturist you need—Good Luck!